Labotek profile

Founded in 1943, Labotek A/S has been a pioneer of high-quality, cutting-edge solutions to the plastic industry since its inception. Today Labotek A/S is a leading provider of ancillary and centralized systems, all developed on the basis of the newest technologies and designed to reduce energy consumption to the absolute minimum. Labotek supplies equipment designed for crystallization and for drying, transport, dosage and storage of free-flowing plastic granules and powdered materials.
Labotek is a member of The Labotek Group in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Germany and India. Our distribution network is worldwide and contains more than 50 dealers and agents.
Our vision is based on a deep understanding of our customer’s needs and behaviour.
We strive always to meet our customers’ expectations and we believe in building long-lasting relationships
We aim to be the preferred supplier in the plastic industry and an attractive partner for Original Equipment Manufacturers and distributors.
Labotek's mission is to be a partner for the plastics industry and through our products and know-how, contribute to increased profitability for our customers.
Through our motivated and committed employees, we can deliver process equipment, advice and service to the plastic industry.
We must internally develop and keep abreast with the latest technology in drying, conveying systems and solutions – and must be informed of plastic technology in general.
It is important to us to manufacture products which are competitive in both price and quality. Since we do not possess skills in all production areas, we have decided that outsourcing is a part of the manufacturing process.
Our core values are:
- Experience, knowledge and competence
- Focus on service
- Commitment