Training & education

Education is provided to customers and distributors on an ongoing basis
Knowledge sharing through education of distributors and customers is the core of our values.
We strive to have yearly education meetings with all our partners. Moreover, we distribute educational materials, helping our customers to get the best results with plastic granule processing.
As our customer, we provide training for your people when installing new equipment. We would like to hear from you if you need additional training and education.
On an ongoing basis, we train the operatives within our international distribution- and service network on how to install and service our equipment.
Zero downtime is our goal. High-quality result is our seal.
At Labotek, we are happy to enter into a dialogue with you, to explore the best solution that meets what you want, in the most cost-effective way. You can use the form below. And we will get right back to you!
Global Sales Meeting, June 20-22, 2023
Service Seminar, June 27-28, 2023